"The opposite of Christianity is not atheism, but idolatry.
-Peter Kreeft

"Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in his wonderful face.  And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of his glory and grace.
-Helen Lemmel, 1918

"Responsible dependence.
-Jerry Bridges, on the nature of our relationship with a sovereign God

"Make your mess your ministry.
-Robin Roberts, Good Morning America news anchor

"Don't compare your beginning to someone else's middle.
-Andy Stanley

"We all have two lives.  The life you learn with and the life you live with after that, with or without the records.
-Glen Close in the movie The Natural

"It's a shame that books have to be written with titles like Radical and Crazy Love to remind people that Christian's are supposed to live different.  That kind of living shouldn't be radical or strange for us as believers, it should be NORMAL! .

"Say yes until your yes runs into another yes."
-Kim Ronslavin

"You're the best song I'll ever write.
-Bethany Dillon, Singer & Songwriter talking about her daughter Lucy

"What is talent really?  Is it the fact that your heart pumps more volume that the average person's, or that your blood turns less acidic when you exercise so that you recovery faster?  No - talent has to do with your capacity for suffering.
-Eddy Merckx, Cycling Champion

"One ship drives east and another drives west.  By the self same winds they blow.  Its the set of the sails, and not the gales, that determines which way they go .
-Naval chaplain quoting Ella Wheeler Wilcox

"God wants to give of something but he can't - our hands are already full and there is nowhere for him to put it.
-St Augustine

"It is not in our abiding by the rules that we are forgiven and changed, but without our abiding we leave no evidence that we are.

"There is nothing like the prospect of death to clarify the issues of life."

"The main things in life are the plain things, and the plain things are the main things....We have a tendency as humans to make the peripheral things central and the things that sound be central peripheral" 

"You can tell everything about a man by what he is running from, what he is running to, and who he is running with."
-Allistair Begg

"In order to lead people heavenward one must be climbing. One need not be high but they must be climbing.
-Fred Mitchell

 "King David wrote what he thought of the Lord that it might spread the further and last the longer
-Matthew Henry Commentary

 "He would like to add a major championship to his resume soon, but said that is not the main goal.  He simply wants to continue to improve, and would like to have at least 10 career wins before he retires.  Watson said he used to feel golf owed him more, and became angry when he didn't have the success he felt he deserved.  He said he still feels pressure and still gets nervous, but now sees things in a more appropriate context.  "I guess," he said, "you could say I've matured."." 
-From interview with Bubba Watson, leader of PGA rankings 2011

 "I will not sacrifice my family because of my job but I know that at times my family will have to make sacrifices." 
-Paul Walker

"God has called all of us to serve him in many different roles.  Because of that you will never be the best at anything. Balancing those roles requires lots of prayer and asking God for the courage to do it the right way." 
-Dr. Glen Brindley

"Where there is ignorance of scriptures comes unfounded beliefs about God."

"The opposite of love in not hatred, it's indifference."

"Love is at the root of wrath and justice.  You don't upset about something you don't care about." 

"Godly men of the Bible die all the time in one verse, and in the next, God's story continues.  It will be no different with you or I." 
-Matt Chandler

"The enlightenment was really the endarkenment." 
- Dr. John Patrick

"You here alot of people talk about 'believing,' there are several different layers to that. There's the surface-level type of believing, where you acknowledge that something is true.  Then there's a deeper kind of belief - the type that gets inside you and actually changes you.  It's the kind of belief that changes your behaviors, your attitude, and your outlook on life, and the people around you can't help but notice.  The way I see it, belief isn't enough on it's own.  Once you know the truth, you have to act on it.  That's were real faith gets legs."

"I want people to take Christ seriously, so I try not to treat him flippantly by throwing around some catchphrase or code that only Christians will understand.  I want people to see that my faith is authentic." 
- Drew Brees

"Sometimes you can focus so much on the result that you lose track of the process.  There are certainly times when you can care too little. But there are also times when you can care too much."
- Tom House (mentor to Drew Brees)

"A person out of God's will is no different than a fish out of water; both will struggle mightily until they get back in it."
- Afshin Ziafat

"God is calling many of you to rethink your life goals. And your life work.  These are exciting days. Unsettling days.  But you are yearning deep inside to live and work closer to the brink of eternity.  You are dissatisfied with working just to make money. You are questioning the point of a job that has little significance for eternity.  The thought of doing something risky and radical keeps coming back to you. What should you do?"

"God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him."
- John Piper

"You'll never know God is all you need until you realize that he's all you have."  
- Anonymous

"God created, He's the boss, we said no, there are consequences, God made things right."  
- The gospel according to Dr. Christian Cable
"He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."  
- Jim Elliot

"To surrender the claims of truth upon humans is to surrender Earth to thugs."  
- John Piper

"The Word of God and the souls of men are the only things that are eternal."  
- Dr. Christian Cable

"If you read history you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were precisely those who thought most of the next. It is since Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world that they have become so ineffective in this." 

"Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, is of infinite importance.  The only thing it cannot be is moderately important."  
- C. S. Lewis

- Song lyrics that make me sad for our culture
"I want to be a billionaire so freakin bad"
"I kissed a girl and I liked it"

 "Of all kinds of knowledge man can have, knowledge of himself and of God are most important."  
- Jonathan Edwards

"Sin is like a tangled ball of yarn.  Regardless of how hard you try, it can never be untangled.  It has to be replaced. Jesus gives you a new ball of yarn and a brand new life."  
- Gregg Matte

"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth."  
- Sherlock Holmes (written by Arthur Conan Doyle)

"You can do with me whatever you want, but I surrender to you."
-Josh Hamilton, pro baseball player who gave up drug and alcohol addiction to surrender his life to the Lord

"Our potential to share Christ if we are never around people who don't know him is zero."

"You and I are like the postal service. Success in regards to evangelism is measured by the careful and accurate delivery of the message, not by the response of the recipient."
- Donald Whitney, Disciplines

" I have learned that I cannot see into a persons heart to know his spiritual condition. All I can do is tell the jagged tale of my own spiritual journey and declare that my life has been better for having followed Christ."
-Ron Hall, The same kind of different as me

"People who know who they are feel comfortable staying where they're at. People who want to make themselves up come to a place like New York."
-College Professor in New York City

"If I can just go 15 rounds with the champ, I'll prove to myself and everybody else that I'm not a bum."
-Rocky Balboa