I am 25 years old and married to the most incredible woman ever, my wife Hannah.  She is my best friend and the most amazing part of every day.  We  currently live in Temple, Texas where I in medical school at Texas A&M and Hannah works with young kids and their families. 

I write my blog to keep a record of things I read, see, hear and think about.  I was brought up in a great Christian family but it wasn't until college that I realized God was not only my creator and savior but my sustainer as well.  I owe him everything from the breath that I breath to the life that I live. To this end, I feel spending time thinking and writing about who God is and what He's doing to be a worthy cause.  My hope for you reading is that you will be challenged by the things that have challenged me and encouraged to keep following our Lord.

I would love to hear from you!  Please write to drewbenac@gmail.com and thanks for visiting!
