To burn any of these to a CD - go to the Village Church Sermon Library, right click on the audio file you want and then select "save link as". Next click on your iTunes folder and then the "automatically add to iTUNES" file location.  Click save.  Once the audio files are downloaded in your iTunes you should be able to burn them and listen in the car. 

    • Father Wound - from village 6/10/12
      • Dad's today are checking out either physically or emotionally, leaving a huge void.
      •  In the 19602, 11% of homes were missing a father, today that number approaches 45%.  This is not including dad who are emotionally disengaged or spiritually lethargic. Result is judges 2:10 generation that does not know the Lord. 
      • 3 reason for the trend from Authentic Manhood by Robert Lewis
        • 1 - Industrial revolution (1960s?) - Men for the first time left to work outside the home.  They are gone for long hours opposed to the agricultural work they used to do that allowed them to teach and model leadership to their kids all day long.  Must find away to model this for our kids.
        • Post WW II - Vets came home and did not know how to emotionally connect with their families. 
        • 1960s feminist movement - Good things came by this but women were now there to pick of the slack that was lacking in the voids left by the first two.  Men used this as a crutch to not live lives they were being called to live.  
        • Blended families - the family unit is becoming more and more fragmented
        • Result = men don't know how to be dads or fathers or husbands.  Young girls don't know what to look for in man.  Young men are postponing adolescence and neglecting responsibilities. Once they do commit to a woman or a family, they do so only for a short time until they check out to go serve themselves and their own interests.  
      •  Proverbs 17:6 - The glory of a child is their father
      • Age 0-5 is the most important time in child's life
      • Ways that kids manifest the pain inflicted by their dads
        • Expressive - Acting out, harm self or others
        • Suppressive - seek attention in other ways, from other people
        • Confusion - both moral, spiritual, sexual
      •  Ways to address the fatherhood crisis
        • Put hope in Jesus and not solely in our earthly dads
        • Touch wounds responsibly
        • Remember they are doing their best in light of how they were raises (Heb 12:9-12)
        • Put big boy pants on and have conversation of reconciliation
        • Be the generation of change
          • Make deposit in your kids - all kids want is time.  Average dad in aerica spends 40 quality minutes with their kids each week
          • Set up your family calendar around making deposits in your kids
          • Verbal affirmation - Mt 17:5
            • 1. I love you
            • 2. I'm proud of you
            • 3. You're good at this
          •  Provide spiritual direction - if we neglect this area we are failing as fathers, regardless of what else we do.  Our lives should be saturated with the work and person of Christ. Duet 6:4, " Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates."
            • Hands - things we do
            • Forehead - way we think
            • Doorpost - entry to our private life
            • Gates - entry to public sector