Monday, June 21, 2010


"For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." -Romans 3:23

There is a problem in this world common to us all; it is that each one of us are infected with the highly contagious disease of Pride. This condition is serious, it spreads subtly, infecting every part of our body and if left untreated and can even be fatal. Pride alters the mind, making you and I think that we are good moral people, when the truth is that we're really selfish and conceited at the core. Pride damages the heart and deceives it into thinking that things in this world, be it love, success, accomplishment, or fame, are worth living for and chasing after. And worst of all, pride spits in the face of God, causing us to live self centered lives, set in our own prideful ways, ignoring the fact that we were created to love God so that we can love ourselves instead.

If man could take credit for his own creation, then living for his own purposes would be one thing, be he can't. The only reason you and I are here today is that a divine being continues to push breath into our lungs and pulsate the cells that keep our heart beating. At any second, yes even this one, these organs or any other could stop working and there is nothing that you or I could do about it. Sure modern medicine can treat people sometimes and keep them alive longer, but not always. Even the successes of medicine are because of God's doing.

Created by God, but living for ourselves. There is an independent attitude in our culture today. One that worships making yourself into something and following your dreams. Each person deserves what they get for how hard they work right? Or do any of us deserve anything? Is life all about having fun and being comfortable or is it about helping others? How much should you help others. Once a year, once a month, or all the time? Pride would tell us that every now and then is good enough but is it even right for us to set a limit on our service? If we can't take the credit for own creation and our life is not our own, maybe we should ask God and let him decide.

The most dangerous things about being infected with pride is that most people who have it don't realize it. Pride tells us to do good things like raise talented kids, get involved in the community and even go to church. The problems is that we often do these things for the wrong reasons. The good things we live for, the nice house in the safe neighborhood, our kids that are talented in sports and school, our involvement in the community and even our attendance at church many times are just attempts to look good and false indicators that things are okay. Everything can look great on the outside while there's a horrible infection within. If we're not parents who want our kids to do well but love them just as much when they don't, we're missing it. If we're not people who want a safe house to live in, but aren't okay with driving a used car or giving our money away, then we're missing it. If we're not people who can be there for a friend of a neighbor, even when it's not convenient for us, then we're missing it. And if our attendance at church is motivated more by who we'll see so who will see us than how it will change our life, then we're missing it. I'm afraid that lots of us are missing it, and I'm really afraid that lots of people who call themselves Christians are missing it.

The worst thing a doctor can do for a patient who has signs of an infection is to ignore it and say that everything will be okay. The same is true for you and I. The worst thing we can do for our own infection within is to dismiss it and pretend like everything's fine. Jesus taught that you and I were created not to live for ourselves but to live in a way that makes God proud. In John 8:31-32 Jesus said anyone who understand this teaching and hold's to it "will know the truth and the truth will set them free." Tired of living for yourself? Want to be free from the raging cancer of Pride that permeates your life? Believe in the truth that you were created to love God and share his love with others and make that your primary goal. If you're anything like me and feel like you've been to prideful for God to give you a second chance, don't worry. In the Bible, Jesus forgave drug dealers, prostitutes, murderers and rapists. He will also forgive you and I. Don't let the infection fester any longer. Will you allow the truth of God's forgiveness and purpose for your life be the prescription for a different way of living today? Spend some time today thanking God for the life he's given you and thinking about ways you can live for him.

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