Sunday, August 26, 2012


There are three things people often strive after in life, possessions, pleasures and projects.  I mostly struggle with the third.  I absolutely love projects.  Maybe it's the challenge or the sense of accomplishment that comes with taking something old and making into something with purpose again.

The apostle Paul would argue that there is only one thing to strive for in this life, and that is the gospel.  There are three components Paul mentions to "living a life worthy of the gospel." One of those is "striving together for faith in the gospel.  My most recent project involved fixing up a bike.  I cannot begin to describe to you the focus and attention I devoted to digging through dumpsters, combing alleyways and searching the internet for spare parts to complete my project.   I'm embarrassed to admit the amount of time, energy and thought I spent in doing all this but I now have a true understanding of what it means to strive.  What if we sought after the gospel in this way?  What you and I gave that amount of time, attention , focus and thought to both knowing the Lord in a new way and making his fame and hope known to those God has placed in our path.

last edited: ddd 11/17/12

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