Thursday, April 5, 2007

Somthing more...

Have you ever wondered what this world is all about? I wonder if your thoughts are like mine. It seems that every time I slow down enough to ponder life I am struck yet once again with the sobering reality that one day my life will end. I find this particularly surpising on most days because I have so much to do and I cannot possibly imagine my life ending with so much unfinished business. The truth though is that people die sudden deaths everyday - you see it all the time on the news. We really don't know the time or the hour at which we will go and this makes you stop and think about your life.

I often wonder two things when I think about my life. I wonder what it will look like when I look back at the end and I wonder what will happen to me after I die. The first wonderment is a fun once to think about. Like a painting that is finally completed or a tall mountain peak that has just been reached, the significance of ones life is fully realized and understood when you look back on where you have come from, when you see the big picture for the first time. I wonder what my career will have been like, what about my family, what kinds of memories will we have made? I try to picture my wife and kids and grandkids and Christmas in the mountians. What kind of impact will I have made on others? These are all great questions and ones that make you want to dream big but what about the second wonderment? I can spend my whole life working hard to live out all my big dreams but on the day that I day they will all be gone forever. Is it even worth striving after all these things? What is this life all about? I think the answer to this question lies with what one beleives about life after death.

Does life after death really exist? Some people say that it does and some say that it doesn't. Is life like a them park ride where you ride it for a while, get a thrill out of it and that's it or is there something more?

I have a hard time believing there isn't an afterlife. I just can't imagine that my life is nothing more than a few passing years that don't matter at all. If every person just lives and dies and that's it then there is no purpose to the world other than to enjoy it while you are here. Anything good that is done during a person's life is meaningless in the face of enternity because one day everybody will be dead and the earth will burn up and that will be it. What an empty feeling. I just can't wrap my mind around that. Something tells me that there has to be something more.

I was listening to itunes today and a song by switchfoot caught my attention. Check out these words

We want more than this world's got to offer
We want more than the wars of our fathers
And everything inside screams for second life...
We were meant to live for so much more

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