Sunday, November 30, 2008

Life of the Gardener - Part 3 (Grow your plants)

Once you have gotten to know your plants, the next step is to grow them. Use what you have learned about those you are leading to direct them so they might have the highest level of impact and influence possible.

As humans we were careted to to do more than garden plants, we were designed to be gardners of people. Our wisdom, kind words, correction, encouragement and guidance provide the proper water, nutrients, and atmosphere for individuals to grow and mature. At the same time our criticism, synicism, bad attitudes, tempors, and negativity can cause others to shirvel up and die inside if we're not careful. If you have been a parent, mentor, leader or boss of any kind you have likely seen the aforementioned happen countelss times. You have seen seemingly average individuals flourish when given proper coaching, encouragement, and correction. You have also seen capable, and talented peopel crumble under misguided and misdirected leadership. As a leader you walk a very fine line many times between dynamite result and utter destruction. Pay careful attention to your plants, read them constatntly, and pray often for wisdom and discernment.

Roles - two out of three years bad

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