Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Jesus said,"the water I give man will become in him a spring of life welling up to eternal life." - John 4:14.

God has put his spirit within every believer and, it doing so, has set in motion a spring of living water with massive potential to effect both our lives and those of every person we encounter. This living water may take the form of an encouraging word to replenishes the wilting heart of a friend or just a smile to show that you care. People who believe in Jesus know what it means be loved, have a reason to hope , and stand on a faith that is strong in the midst of the greatest uncertainty. These things, along with the transforming work of the Holy Spirit within us are the source of the the spring of living water that comes from within. When our lives are filled to overflowing with the awareness of God's greatest and power, there leaves no other place for that water to go than out into the world. Just imagine for a second how unshakable faith, relentless hope, and unconditional love would forever alter the face of this world. Now that is an amazing thought.

The sad things is that we who call ourselves Christians have chosen to live nominal lives (for the name alone) and consistently block the flow of living water from our lives to another. We barricade against God's calling in our lives everyday for the sake of our comfort, we rationalize in our decisions against God's leading for the sake of our convenience, and in an attempt to try and avoid conflict, we don't act because we are afraid. Each time we ignore and act against God's leading in our lives we through another stone into the middle of the river of living water that flows from our lives. Some of us have thrown so many stones into our river that our there is very little flow if any at all. Some of us dammed up the way so long ago that our river is about to run dry if it hasn't already.

The sad thing is, we often, and usually unkn, do a pretty good job of stifling the flow of living water that God has set within us. God desires to do great things in and through you but instead we put up barricades against his callings and trade in the raging river for a stagnant pond. Over time our spiritual lives start to grow algae and stink. We think we are still living the Christian life because we are going through the motions but the truth of the situation is the living water has ceased to flow.

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