Wednesday, May 13, 2009

It was early. After clearing the sleep out of my eyes, I quickly noticed the beautiful sun rays filtering through the trees as well as the large number of high school kids that were beginning to gather in front of me. I was a counselor at Kanakuk Kamps at the time and had been asked to speak at a morning devotional time called the "Launch Pad". Nervous and intimidating a bit by the crowd, I managed to fumble through my talk that morning. Hopefully at least one person heard something beneficial. Looking back, I realize that Joe and the rest of the leadership staff didn't have to let me speak but I was so thankful for the opportunity. In doing so they had given me a chance to practice speaking in front of people and improve my leadership skills.

We see a similar passion for leadership development with King David in 1 Kings 2:2-4. In these verses David gives his son Solomom a charge saying things like, "Be strong, show yourself a man, observe what the Lord requires, walk in his ways, keep his commands," and many others. David understood that the kingdom he had worked so hard to build would go to waste if there was not good ruler to reign in his place. It is no different than you and I. Bill Hybels in his book, Courageous Leadership, says that a leader is at his or her very best when they are helping those around them become better leaders. This is the best way for you and I to make an impact. A team of leaders reaching out to change the world around them will be far more effective than one super leader reaching out alone could ever be. Whereever you go and whatever you do, make sure to invest in those around you and give young leaders opportunties to fail, learn and lead.

"Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, O God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your might to all who are to come." (Psalms 71:18)

The next generation is refereced 32 times in the book of Psalms alone. King David, the man after God's own heart, understood that passing on your leadership heritage and Christian heritage is very important to the Lord. Christ modeled this with his disciples and we need to do the same as disciplers and fishers of men.

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