Monday, June 1, 2009

Handling Success

"David was playing his harp as he usually did..."  1 Samuel 18:10

In the Spring of 2009, the daily news was absolutely inundated with coverage of a new British singing sensation by the name of Susan Boyle.  Susan, who hails from a small, secluded Scottish village, was propelled into the worldwide media spotlight literally overnight due to her unexpected success on the reality TV show 'Britain's Got Talent'.  One glance at Susan is all it takes to realize she doesn't fit the mold of your typical pop star.  Her figure and physical features make her an unlikely candidate for musical stardom yet none the less, it took her less than a week to win over the hearts of the world. 

King David's story is strikingly similar to Susan's.  Like the singer, it took David only a single performance (the defeat of Goliath) for David to steal the hearts of his countrymen.  1 Samuel 18:7 tells us that upon Davids return from battle, women and children from all over the city flocked to the streets dancing and singing the following tune:

"Saul has slain his thousands, David his tens of thousands." 

As expected, the news of such a celebration didn't sit well with the current King, Saul.  He was angered and jealous but David stayed unchanged by the whole affair.  We don't find David out signing autographs or making appearances on late night TV talk shows, we find him in the palace, carrying out his service as the king's musician, "playing his harp, as he usually did".  David shows us that a man after God's own heart remains humble even in the face of great success.  This is extremely difficult to do, especially when so many people are singing your praises. If you want to be a man like David who is humble at heart, remember that all things, both good and bad, victory and defeat, come from the Lord. (Lamentations 3:38, "Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that both calamities and good things come?") Anything success in your life is ultimately not your doing.  With this mindset we will be sure to give all glory and honor where it is due, to the Lord.  The bible says that Pride comes before the fall.  It usually doesn't take long for a cocky athlete, a prideful business owner or a know it all students to reach their demise. Continual, long term success comes to those who remain humble and let the Lord lift them up (James 4:10).  Don't ket success change you, stay true to yourself when it comes give the glory to the Lord.  

To watch Susan sing visit this URL:

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