Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Not easily broken

"Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself."  1 Samuel 18:3

Several times in the bible's account of David's life do we read about the awesome friendship between David and Jonathan.  Jonathan loved David, stayed loyal to him, and even saved David's life a time or two. 

King David understood the importance of surrounding yourself with good friends who can support and encourage you along the way.  It is pretty safe to say that David would not have experienced the success he did or his reign as king if it weren't for Jonathan.  Galatians 6:2 says it this way: "carry each other's burdens and in this way fulfill the lay of Christ."  If you look around you today, you will see hundreds, thousands and maybe even millions of people, each person a reminder that God did not design you and I to live life alone.  God has designed marriages, the family and the church around the principle that we need each other.  I love what David's son King Solomon has to say about friendships and support in Ecclesiastes 4:12; "A cord of three stands is not easily broken."  Two are always stronger than one.   It is important that you and I surround ourselves with great friends and support as we travel the ups and downs of the Christian life. 

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