Monday, March 22, 2010


Somebody once told me that God speaks in 4 ways. While I really don't know that we can put a limit on the number of ways that God speaks it is helpful to know that he does. My goal in writing is not to try and describe God or limit the ways he can speak but I do want to share ways that God has spoken into my life that might help you when trying to answer the question. "What does God want me to do?"

God speaks when we LOOK BACK - growing up my dad always told me, "God is preparing you" but he would never say what God was preparing me for. I now know that Dad was right. Many things that have happened in my life that have led to something happening later on and the only way to explain the connection between the two is the supernatural workings of God. Nothing in life is wasted with Hiim. Just like a wake in a lake or a jet stream in the sky can tell you where a boat or plane is heading, looking back at what God has done in the past can provide great insight as to where he might want you to head in the future. What has God been preparing you for?

God speaks when we LOOK UP - Looking up, figuratively means looking to God through his word. His word is our instruction manual for life. Since God created the world it would make sense that he knows how things work best in it and what I awesome gift that he has lovingly given us key principles to live by in his word. If a decision you are thinking about making goes against the Word of God, it's the wrong decision every time! The Bible is full of men and women who ran into trouble after abandoning God's instructions on how to live. Proverbs 3:7 says, "Do not be impressed by your own wisdom, fear the Lord and turn away from evil."

God speaks when we LOOK DOWN - Look at your feet, what do you see? The ground you are standing on right now, your current place in life or you could call it your circumstances, can be very helpful in making decisions. Dreaming big is a great thing but we can get ourselves into a bind quick if we don't have a firm grasp on the reality of our current situation. Sometimes decisions about the future will be made solely based on existing commitments and obligations and this is a good thing. Taking into account your circumstances and the ground you're standing on when saying yes or no to something is extremely wise.

God speaks when we LOOK AROUND - Look around you for people who know you well and who you respect and ask for their input. Decisions made when friends and family aren't supportive are more times than not bad decisions that we regret later. Proverbs 12:15, "The way of a fool seems right to him, but the wise man listens to advice." Although it is hard at times to ask and listen to the advice of others, God has put people in our lives who have made mistakes in the past so that we don't have to. Surround yourself with older men or women who are wise in the ways of living with the Lord and listen to them. Proverbs 13:20 says, "He who walks with the wise grows wise, but the companion of fools suffers harm."

God speaks when we LOOK INWARD - Psalms 139 reminds us that God knit each of us together in a unique and special way so that no two people are alike. He gave to each of us a unique combination of talents, gifts, desires and dreams. When trying to make a tough decision it's helpful to remember these things and look into the heart for passions and desires that God has given you. Do you know the blueprint of your own heart?

I think Proverbs 3:5-6 sums it up best by saying, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and to not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take." Trusting the Lord with big decisions is difficult because it might mean moving forward when we don't have all the answers or waiting to move until God tells us to. In my own life God often speaks in a combination of the ways I've just mentioned. If you're ever not sure what God wants you to be doing next, keep doing the thing he told you to do last.

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