Thursday, September 16, 2010


The great college basketball coach John Wooden talks at length in one of his books about success. Here is what he says:

"Mr. Webster defines success as the accumulation of material possessions or the attainment of a position of power, prestige or perhaps fame. I certainly think those things can be indicative of success, but they are not necessarily success in themselves.

I know many eminently successful people who never made a lot of money and never gained any high position or recognition. They simply and quietly raised a family, worked hard, and had a job that allowed them to take care of their family (though not usually in lavish style). These individuals and their families are a big success by my definition.

Mr. Webster neglects to mention those folks in his book.

Although I didn't understand it at the time, one of the things my dad tried to get across to me was that i should never try to be better than someone else. You have little say over how big or how strong or how smart or how rich someone else may by. You do have, at least you should have, control of yourself and the effort you give toward bringing out your best in whatever you're doing. This effort must be total, and when it is, I believe you have achieved personal success."

Perhaps we could all learn a lesson from coach on this one. Why do you and I spend do much of our time comparing ourselves to others and trying to size up to the world's standards when all that really matters is whether or not we've living in the way the God who created us asked us to live? How do you define success? Are you a fool for the praise of this world or do you value most how you're viewed by the one who created it all?

1 comment:

  1. Such a good reminder, especially in the midst of medical school.

    "But the LORD said to Samuel, 'Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.'" - 1 Sam. 16:7
