Monday, January 31, 2011


"Godly men die in the bible all the time in just one verse, and in the next, God's story continues. It will be no different with you and I." - Matt Chandler

We are each small pieces of a much bigger thing that God is doing. We cannot forget that. We like to live like the world revolves around us and think that we are needed by God in order for God to get glory. Neither of those things are true.

Psalm 39:5 says, "Each man's life is but a breath." We have no control over when the breath that is our life starts or ends, we can only choose what we will do with our breath today. Will we invest it to speak, act, think and live for the God who created us and redeemed our life from the pit that is our self or will we spend it cheaply on our own musings?

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