Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Great words from CS Lewis:

To Become Really Doggy

"True personality lies ahead—how far ahead, for most of us, I dare not say. And the key to it does not lie in ourselves. It will not be attained by development from within outwards. It will come to us when we occupy those places in the structure of the eternal cosmos for which we were designed or invented. As a colour first reveals its true quality when placed by an excellent artist in its pre-elected spot between certain others, as a spice reveals its true flavour when inserted just where and when a good cook wishes among the other ingredients, as the dog becomes really doggy only when he has taken his place in the household of man, so we shall then first be true persons when we have suffered ourselves to be fitted into our places. We are marble waiting to be shaped, metal waiting to be run into a mould."

--from "Membership" (The Weight of Glory)


  1. What do you think Lewis means when he says we are to be fitted into "those places in the structure of the eternal cosmos for which we were designed or invented"? Is he referring to Christ's general redemptive work (2 Cor. 5:17) or rather a specific calling or niche in life that Christ has given us?

  2. It could be both but I think he's talking more about the specific niches that God has created us each for. I think he's saying that since we are now a new creation that we should give great thought as two what it is we are being called to do by God and also give great effort towards doing it with all our might.
