Wednesday, September 28, 2011


There was once a professor by the name of Bartlew who studied at Glaskow University in Scotland.  Upon graduation with his doctorate degree, the professor set out to do several other things before eventually settling into the pasturing of a local church.  One day while walking around the town, this young pastor bumped into a elderly woman from his congregation.  They talked about this and that for a while until the professor asked the lady how she was liking the services and fellowship at the church.  The lady astutely replied, "I think you are a very nice man revered but I can't understand a thing you say."

The young professor instantly realized his error and this conversation would change the course of his life.  He came to believe that the true mark of cleverness is not sounding smart or having sound logic but being able to take the really difficult to understand things in life and make them sound simple.  He would go on to write two fine books entitled: The Plain Man's Guide to Prayer and The Plain Man's Guide to the Bible. 

We should do the same with own talk about God and about the Bible.

"Anybody can make something sound difficult but you have to be quite smart to take a difficult concept and make it sound simple."  - Allistair Begg. 

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