Tuesday, November 22, 2011


"....These are a mere shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ."
- Col 2:17

Do you ever find yourself giddy with excitement and expectation as the holidays approach only to be left a sense of subtle sadness when their end comes all too soon.  Thought of returning to work and the normal routine becomes repulsive in light of the fun and freedom that comes with a much needed break. Perhaps we focus too much on the celebration or the people involved in our holiday get togethers rather than the reason for and behind it all. It's interesting that during this time of year when our hearts and eyes should be most set on our God that we find ourselves the furthest away, making excuses for our lack of spiritual focus, telling ourselves well get back on track once the holidays are over.

Thanksgiving Day or Christmas Day is no different than any other day when it comes to our role and place in the world. We exist to make much of our God. I can't think of any better time that the holidays to share the love of Christ with others or a better reason to look forward to going back to work and the routine when the holidays are over.

Joy to the World. I thank God that we get 365 days of the year and not just one to share with the world the great things our God has done. Christ needs to be shared on the Monday after Thanksgiving, December 26th, and January 4th and March 22nd, ans so on, just as much as he needs to be shared on Thanksgiving or Christmas day.

This holiday season, my hope for you and me, is that we might find ourselves looking more to the substance of the person of Christ than to the mere shadows of Him that we see might find in food, fun and laughter with family alone. Have a great holiday season!

1 comment:

  1. http://sermons2.redeemer.com/sermons/longing-home
    This is that Tim Keller sermon I was telling you about
