Monday, April 1, 2013


"He will wipe every tear from their eyes.  There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."      
                                                                                  -  Rev. 21:4

Yesterday as we traveled home from spending Easter with family, we listened to March Madness on the radio.  Someone between getting food and and getting gas, the tone in the announcer's voice changed and it caught my attention.  I turned up the volume to hear what had happened.  One of the Louisville basketball players had broken his leg on a routine play.  

Once we got home I watched the video in disbelief.   He had made that move thousands of times in his career, jumping to contest an opponents shot, and for some reason this time his leg snapped in two. Why?

There is no answer this side of heaven aside from the reminder of the reality of the broken world we live in.  Not forever, but for now, we live in a world with pain, brokenness, weak bones, disappointment, hurt, at times death, and even the frustration of Easter weekend traffic on I-35. This is the reality of the world we live in but I am ever more thankful for the hope, power and purpose that Christ's life and resurrection brings in the desperate situation we find ourselves in.  The new life found in him provides joy in the midst of our pain, completeness in the midst of our brokenness, healing to our weak bodies and bones, purpose to our disappointment, peace in the midst of hurting, the promise of life despite the inevitable reality of death and even comfort when you find yourself stuck in traffic.  

Perhaps this outlook was what allowed Paul to say things like, "For me, to live is Christ, but to die is gain." And we, like Paul, should balance our eager yearning to go home one day with the steady resolve to exalt  Christ as the sole solution to the broken world we find ourselves in. 

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