Tuesday, April 16, 2013


The phrase"the gospel" is used 97 time in the new testament by my count. Sixty-five of those references (greater than 2/3) are made by the apostle Paul and it is most commonly used in conjunction with the verb "preach" (35 times). In terms of how to preach the gospel, phrases such as eagerly (Rom 1:15), fully (Rom 15:18), not in cleverness of speech (1 Cor 1:17) are used.  Preach by definition means using words to communicate something of importance.  2 Timothy 4:2 reminds us that we are to “be ready to preach the word, in season and out of season.” 1 Peter 3:15 says that we are “to be ready to give the reason for the hope that we have, but to do this with gentleness and respect.”  Ephesians 6:15 reminds us to “have our feet fitted with the preparation of the gospel of peace.” In Acts 13, Paul is traveling through the city of Antioch on a missionary journey when he is asked by the religious officials if he has any words to say.  On moments notice, Paul proceeds to give a very detailed, prepared, succinct presentation of God’s redemptive work throughout all of history and the significance of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection for our lives.   Cleary Paul was prepared and ready should a chance ever arise to share about the most important thing in his life which he believed to be the most needed thing in the lives of his listeners.

Adjectives used to describe the gospel:  Glorious (1 Tim 1:11), gospel of hope (Col 1:23), gospel of peace, life bringing (2 Tim 1:10). It is the gospel of God’s kingdom (Mt 9:35) and it is the power of God (Rom 1:16). It is the word of truth (Col 1:5, Gal 2:5,14).

Who the gospel is for: the poor [in spirit] (Mt 11:5, Luke 7:22) but veiled to some (2 Cor 4:3).

Verbs that tell us what action we are to take with the gospel: Preach (35 times), further (Phil 2:22), live in a manner worthy of (Phil 1:27), defend (Phil 1:16), do all things for the sake of (Phil 1:12, 1 Cor 9:23), not hinder (1 Cor 9:12), repent before believing in (Mk 1:15), pass on (1 Thes 2:8), be stewards of (1 Thes 2:4, Gal 2:7), work in (1Thes 3:7), obey (2 Thes 1:8), lose life for (Mk 8:25), leave family for (Mk 10:28), be set apart for (Rom 1:1).   

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