Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Future

This is a rewrite of the post write before this one. Since writing previously I have clarified and condensed my thoughts.

Psalm 37:3-7

3 Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.

4 Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.

5 Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this:

6 He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.

7 Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for Him

There are 5 phrases here that I would like to key in on - 5 bits of truth that are good to remember when you are looking anxiously to the future.

1. Trust in the Lord - We can do this because we know that the Lord is faithful. 1 Thes 5:24 says, "the one who calls you is faithful and he will do it." When I look back on my life, how God has called me to various places like college or to transfer colleges I see how faithful he has been. He has in fact always proven faithful in my life and because of this I can beleive that he will be faithful when he calls me somewhere different in the future. We need to rely on the truths of his character such as faithfulness in the midst of unknown times.

2. Dwell in the land - Someone once told me that the best thing you can do when you're waiting for God to lead you is keep doing what he told you to do last. Don't lose sight of today because you are so worried about what tomorrow might bring. Matthew says, "Do not worry about what tomorrow may bring for tomorrow has enough worries of its own. But seek first his kingdoma nd his righteousness and all these things will be added to you." A great example of this can be seen right now in my own life. As a senior I am very anxious about next year but I cannot not forget opportunites in front of me right now such as the chanc eI have to be a captain on the basletball and to help lead FCA on campus.

3. Delight yourself in the Lord - The enemy would want nothing more than to rob us of today's joy because we are filled will fear for tomorrow. David Robinson talks in on eof his books about the importance of Enjoying the journey. Enjoy each and every day and continue to delgith in him, even in the transition times and the unknown times.

4. Commit your ways to the Lord - As we look to the future do we wait for something to fall in our lap? Proverbs 16:9 says, "In his heart a man plans his course but the Lord determines his steps." God has given all of us dreams, desires, gifts, and interests that are from him (preparing for a career in medicine). As we look to the future, I think we should plan a course that is in line with these things and walk forward with an open hand allowing God to do with our plan what he will. He will open doors and close others. By doing so he will direct our steps. David Liggit's advice to me was, "pray about it, pick as best you can the place you think GO dis leading you and then go for it! Knock it out of the park and go for it with everything you've got!

5. Wait patiently on him - Isaiah 55 talks about how his ways our higher than than our and his thoughts higher than our thoughts. His timing is not always our timing either. As we wait we can wait because we know that he is preparing us in the present for what is coming in the future. I love the story of Mitchell Lurie that was told to me by Dr. Shasberger at Chapel recently. Mitchell attended the Curtis Institute to study Music and paly clarinet. His first day of class, after he recited a piece of music perfectly, his Professor and the conductor of the Chicago symphony, shared with him these words...."Mitchell I want you to be the first chair in the Chicago symphony.....(long pause).....but not yet. " Mitchell didn't hear another word from his professor all four years that he was there. On his graduation day he recieved a telegram from his professor with one word on it "Now." Mitchell traveld to Chicago that night and sat first chair. That was the beginning of an amazing career. Today Mitchell has clarinets and reeds named after him because of all that he accomplished. There were great things in store for Mtichell but he had to wait. God has great things in store for us but we must wait as well on the perfect timing of the Lord.

And lastly, when looking to the future and anxious thoughts arise a general point to remember is that we must go back to truth - the truth of God's word and the truth of his character. Philippians 4:8-9 says, "whatever is true, whatever is noble.....think about such things.....and the God of peace will be with you. " Ephesians 6 talks about the importance of the belt of truth. It is our only defense against the lies of the evil one. Doubt, worry and fear are not from the Lord. Remember truths of God such as Joshua 1:5, Joshua 1:9, I Pet 5:7, Jer 29:11, and Matthew 6.

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