Thursday, October 25, 2007

He knows my name

Yesterday at chapel I had the chance to listen to worship leader Tommy Walker. Tommy shared one of the sings that he had wriiten called I have a maker. The song talks about how we have a maker who knows us by name and cares for us more than we know. Here's what Tommy said about the song: "We all have something inside us that wants and needs to be known." I see this in my conversation with Hannah. Hannah tells me that she loves me alot but there is something special about when she says my name. "Drew, I love you!" Those are the best words in the whole wide world. Our heavenly father is the same way with us and even more so. He knows our name and each thought we have, he hears us when we call, he sees each tear that falls from our eyes. He knows us better than anybody else because he formed us! Our lives are truly in his hands (Ps 31:5). He knows every need we have (Mt 6:32) and we can cast all our worries upon him because he cares for us in this way (1 Pet 5:7). Your knows your name!

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