Tuesday, November 6, 2007

In trials and suffering - Rom 8:28-29

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son…” (Romans 8:28-29)

It is inevitable that we will have trials in sports and in life (John 16:33). Games don’t always turn out how you like, you don’t play well, or maybe you get injured at the worst possible time during the season. The exciting thing for the Christian athlete is knowing that in the midst of these trying times God is at work making us more like his son so that we can glorify him better. In the scope of eternity this is the best thing we could ask for- better than scoring forty points or rushing for 200 yards. Romans 5:3-4 talks about why we can rejoice in our trials. The progression of perseverance, character and hope in our lives is a key part of being conformed to Christ’s likeness. Christ persevered on the cross and under the most trying circumstances imaginable as he was tortured and killed. He had flawless character that allowed him to always love, to always forgive and to always do the right thing. And as for his hope, Christ hoped for and wanted nothing more than for his heavenly father to be glorified – even if that meant him dying on a cross. Jesus knew what it meant to “exult in the hope of the glory of God.” (Romans 5:2). During my year as a walk on at Texas A&M I experienced more physical trial and suffering than I knew was possible. I remember one early morning workout in particular when coach told us we would be running 35 horses straight – for time! The night before I was so scared that I didn’t sleep a wink. I prayed a lot that night and talked to my dad who reminded me that God is always with us. I was truly dependent on the Lord that night! Running those sprints required perseverance to keep going but the character I developed and the amount my faith grew as a result changed my life. Philippians 4:13 took on new meaning for me as I experienced what it’s like to have God carry you when you are at the end of our rope and have nothing left to give. So whether it’s a tough workout or rehabbing from an injury I challenge you to persevere. Don’t be discouraged, but find peace and joy in knowing that you are being made more like Christ.

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