Sunday, November 30, 2008

Gardener not Grower - You're not responsible

When I was young my family loved to garden. We would spend many evenings in the spring, summer, and fall weeding, watering, and tending to our growing plants. It was on one of those evenings, while pulling weeds, that I managed to dig up an acorn with a bright green shoot attached. "Look, a baby tree," I yelled proudly as I help up my discovery. Mom and Dad both suggested that that I replant the accorn elsewhere in the yard so it could grow but I childishly insisted that my new tree should grow in my room. Even though she knew the tree would likely die, mom agreed to my demands and proceeded to assist me as we gently packed soil around the acorn in a red solo cup.

To this day I have no idea how that tree survived. I did a miserable job of watering and even knocked it off the windowseal a time or two. The tree absoltely refused to die, contniued to grow, and now several transplants later, is standing tall in the front yard of my parents house. (See picture below)

I can take no credit for the survival and incredible growth of that red oak tree and it is much the same with the lives that surround you and I. Yesterday we talked about how our actions are very infulential in the growth that occurs in the lives of those we are leading. It is very important however, to remember though that although you are the gardener, you will never be the grower. You can do a first rate job at watering, and tending to the plants you have been given but you are not repsonsible for their growth - God is. He is the only one that is capable of changing a heart and therefore, the only one capable of changing a person.

Go forward with this in mind. When amazing growth occurs give all the credit, glory and honor where it is due - to God and not yourself. At the same rate, when you feel frustrated and burdened by the seeming lack of progress in an individual remember you're not in control and rely on the one who is.

"I (Paul) planted the seed, Apollos (another preacher) watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who palnts now he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow." -1 Cor 3:6-7

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