Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Staying in S.H.I.P. Shape

In 1 Thessalonians 5:14, Paul asks believers to "warm those who are idle". Idleness and it's cousin laziness are two favorite tactics frequently used be Satan to hinder us from being our best for the LORD. Few if any of us are ever idle in the positional sense of the term because we are usually bustling about in every which direction with a list of twenty things to do and only the time for ten. You may find it surprising though that being busy does not protect one from idleness, but rather encourages it! Let me explain.

Has your to do list of trivial things ever gotten in the way of spending valuable time with family and friends? Mine has. Or what about that annual New Year's resolution for better health and more exercise? I can think of countless times when great intentions for a workout were abandoned for TV and Oreos on the couch. Don't get me wrong, I'm not an advocate for procrastination or fitness obsession, I simply think that the enemy loves using busyness to instigate living more idle that we should.

Paul speaks specifically about idleness in his letter to the Thessalonians because it is very important in living a life pleasing to the Lord. There are many areas where idleness can handicap our heavenly calling and I want to focus on four. Every man should be active to avoid idleness in these four areas: Spiritually, as a Husband (single guys you too), Intellectually, and Physically.

Spiritually fitness- You might have heard it said that desperate times call for desperate measures. Well, our society today is in desperate times. Half of marriages are ending in divorce, over 25 million children around the world don't have a Dad, and only 43 % of kids today think having a strong religious faith is important. Only by choosing to fight idleness through tapping into God's tremendous power will you and those you are leading survive the trials and struggles of our day. If men don't act as a spiritual influence in the home and workplace, then who do you think will do it instead?

Join the ranks
Men, God has designed us to be spiritual sergeants. Those in our platoon, be it spouses (one per man of course), kids, employees, or acquaintances will live or die spiritually based on the way you and I live and lead. What a high calling! To this end, it is vital that we daily place ourselves under the authority of the Five-Star General - God Himself. To be completely honest, some of us guys don't take orders very well, and you are idle because of it. When the general's plan disagrees with our own, we go our own way, pulling our family, friends, and future in a dangerous direction. Taking things into your own hands can leaves one spiritually idle because you waste time wandering through life trying to find your way instead of enjoying the course God had planned. By the time we come to our senses and rejoin the ranks, months or even years might have passed and your spiritual condition is likely no better or worse off than before. If your march has fallen out of cadence with God's will for your life, get back on beat as soon as possible. Being a soldier in the Lord's army is more difficult than marching to your own drummer, but the rewards are out of this world (literally!). The camaraderie of fellow believers and the spiritual growth that comes through the refining training regime of God's blessings and trials combine for a life better than you could ever create on your own.

Laziness is for losers
While some of us have stunted our spiritual growth out of stubbornness, others have grown spiritually idle out of laziness alone. I believe most of us men really do desire to be strong spiritually, we're just lazy. We start things with great intentions and a fervor to live for the Lord but often become weary, tired and overwhelmed by life. Next we usually try to shirk our God given responsibility to lead by saying things like "life happens". Life does happen, that's exactly right, but when it does that gives us men all the more reason to stop spectating, step up and lead. If you have to get up earlier to spend time alone with the Lord, who cares, just do it! The pay off in the end is far more rewarding that those 15 extra minutes each day. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to be a man who is growing and leading spiritually? I hope so. Stop making excuses for your spiritual mediocrity and become a man who is reading good books, meditating on God's word, praying constantly throughout the day, and letting the light of the Lord shine out of you for all to see. Pray that God would fill your spiritual cup so full so that your life naturally overflows and in a way that eternally impacts others.

Husband-like fitness - Nothing in life has impacted me more than spending my life with my wonderful wife. She is absolutely incredible. The way she forgives me, accepts my faults, cheers for me, and loves me demonstrates God's own love in a way that I have never seen before. On top of that, in my own attempts to love her, I have seen how imperfect and selfish my own love can be. I think Gary Thomas describes the purpose of marriage best by saying that holiness rather than happiness is God's ultimate goal in joining man and wife together for life.

Under attack
Because husband and wife share such a special bond, they are capable of accomplishing great things together for the kingdom of God. Satan is very aware of this fact and has mounted a monumental attack on every marriage as a result. News flash - that means you! The enemy will stop at nothing to prevent you from serving, loving, honoring, cherishing and romancing your wife and he does this by making you idle. Even as a newlywed, I have been amazed at how easy it is to become idle as a husband. I have found that I quickly stop serving my wife when things get busy, come up with creative date ideas less often, and cease to cherish our time together when I've got lots on my mind. It's easy to try and make excuses for these kinds of actions when all I'm really doing it falling short on the job.

To my single brothers
Now single guys listen up. Regardless of whether there's a lovely lady in the picture or not, your goal as a single man is to prepare yourself for your future role as a husband. Please don't think that saying "I do" on your wedding day will magically release a lifetime supply of kind, loving, service-minded actions towards your wife . They won't! Those kinds of behaviors come after years of practice at being a kind, loving, considerate, romantic, serving type of man. Don't wait, start that process right now! Your future wife will thank you, I promise.

On a quick side note. Guys, when you do start dating, ask lots of other guys for advice. I'm still young and have lots to learn but here's my go-to game plan. Be creative, have fun, honor that young lady like crazy and don't stop until the day you die. Practice makes perfect so start becoming an amazing husband today.

Guys we should always be growing in the way that we love our wives. We need to fight to keep things exciting and not settle for simply doing all our duties. I once heard it said that the true measure of a man is found in how he is viewed through the eyes of his wife. That means it doesn't matter what the guys at work think, how much money you make, or what your golf handicap is. If you died today, what kind of things would your lovely lady have to say about you? Would she go on for hours about how you were her best friend and possessed qualities held by no other man or would she simple say that you were loving and kind. Take your wife out on an exciting date this week, help out more around the house than you usually do and show her with your words and actions great she is. I hope you won't settle for being an ordinary husband or wait to start becoming an extraordinary one. My uncle told me before getting married that he and his wife do at least one thing each year to improve their marriage. Sometimes they would read a book together or attend a marriage conference for the weekend. Maybe you and I should adopt that practice as well. Choose to fight becoming idle as a husband by putting forth the extra effort and asking the Lord for the strength to follow through.

Intellectual fitness - My grandfather is 83 years old and one of the most amazing men I have ever met. From my Granddad I learned how to cook, cast a fishing rod, and catch a crab. I also learned timeless games such as go fish and dominoes and how to tie the best fishing knot known to man. Until just recently, he lived for years alone on the Texas coast where he gardened, fished, and cooked on a daily basis. Even now, with vision failing, Frank B. Davis will out fish my brothers and I without fail. The things he thinks and does in his advancing age are nothing short of incredible.

If anybody would have had excuses enough to live an idle life as an older man, it would be him. He lost his wife at an early age, raised three kids on his own and has two and a half fingers on one hand. When he retired he could have called it quits. In addition to fishing, gardening and cooking, Granddad always has a project going, can play domonies with the best of them and always, always, always listens to the nightly news. I can't help but think that the decisions like these to continue learning and take on new challenges are responsible for my Granddad's continual sharpness of mind. He had lots of reasons to throw in the towel but even today is more smarter than probably 95 % of your reading. Granddad, you are an amazing man!

When Hebrews 12:1 says we are to "run with perseverance the race set before us," I think of fighting idleness of the mind. The image of a running a race and crossing the finish line at a sprint,and not a walk, is the approach that Granddad took towards life. You and I should do the same. If we want to be men who sprint to the finish, we need to be collectors of three things: good books, new ideas, and wise council. That last one is huge! Proverbs 13:20 says "he who walks with the wise, grows wise," and there is absolutely no substitute for surrounding yourself with men who are wise in life and in the ways of the Lord.

Beating Dad
As a youngster I have fond memories of shooting baskets with Dad in the driveway. My dad is a really good player. He played for two years in college and taught me to love the sport at a early age. One day in grade school, thinking I had developed into a pretty good little player myself, confidently challenged dad to a game of one-of-one. I didn't win that day, or the next, or the next, or the next. In fact, it would be months and years before I would beat my dad for the first time.

After every loss, my dad would always rebound my shots for a while before going inside for the night. I, frustrated at losing yet again, would stay to work on things that I thought had cost me the game. I am so thankful for my Dad and those games in the driveway but equally as thankful for what he taught me about surrounding yourself with people who are further along. The way to stay mentally sharp and guard against becoming an idle thinker is to always look for and challenge yourself by learning from those who are smarter, wiser, and more experienced than yourself. The marathon of life is a long one. God has given you your wife as a partner and placed role models in your path to help you along the way. Do you have role model men like this in your life? If not, be on the lookout, and don't let one of these wise guys pass you by without learning everything you can.

Physical fitness - 1 Corinthians 6:19 reminds us that "our bodies are temples and the very dwelling place of God's spirit." If the God of the universe called you on the telephone today saying that he wanted to come to your house tomorrow, would you take some time to tidy up before he came? I sure would! I don't think I'd go to work the next day out of concern for how my house would look for the king of kings.

It is unlikely that God himself will walk through your front door anytime soon but he has sent his spirit to live inside of you and me. With this in mind, I find it surprising that so many of us treat our bodies, the dwelling place of God, the way we do. We eat junk, or simply eat too much, and then don't excercise on regular basis to stay healthy. When Jesus said "to whom much is given, much will be required,"(Luke 12:48) he was referring to stewardship in all areas of our life. God did not go through the touble of breathing life into your bones and saving you by the blood of his son, to watch you sqaunder your life away with unhealthy living.

What science says
Science has some really cool things to say about the ways diet and exercise effect every area of your life. One example is the neurohormone serotonin, which is released from the brain whenever your body engages in physical activity. Serotonin, when produced, activates a host of bodily enzymes responsible for physiological changes such as lowering blood pressure, reducing stress and fatigue, promoting healthy sleep patters, and even making you feel "happy". Carving out time to hit the the gym is hard to do, but it is a sacrifice worth making. You will not only feel better but find that staying physically fit can actually make you a better dad, husband, employee, and friend. I think it's cool that God designed our bodies to function best when we treat it right. Guys, we usally only get one pair of teeth, one brain, one heart, and one shot at life. Make it count so you can have the greatest impact possible for the Lord.

In closing, I believe, men who stay in S.H.I.P. shape not only experience full, abundant life like no other, but set themselves up to be vessels used by the Lord at a moments notice.

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