Monday, April 27, 2009

Hannah and I recently sat down to watch a great movie called The Express about a young running back by the name of Ernie Davis from Elmira, New York. Ernie earned the name "Elmira Express" as well as a full ride scholarship to Syracuse University for his incredible display of athleticism and speed on the field. As a sophomore at Syracuse, Ernie led his team to the national title in the face of incredible racial discrimination and was the first African American to win the Heisman trophy that very same year. His courage, bravery, integrity and genuine character are more impressive, I believe, that what he did as an athlete. The sad part of the story is that shortly after being drafted by the Cleveland Browns, Ernie was diagnosed with leukemia and died at the young age of 23.

The end to the movie was upsetting and left my mind reeling as to why a great man like Ernie Davis would die so young. I thought also of my college friend David Gilbert who died at the age of 23 from leukemia as well.

I don't know if Ernie Davis was a believer is Jesus Christ but I know that David was and would have done amazing things to further the Lord's kingdom if his life had been longer. Why did the Lord have to take him so young? Isn't it scary to think that the same thing could happen to you and I.

In the Bible we find a man who can understand Ernie and David's position. Job experienced suffering and pain worse than any man but listen to what he has to say in Job 13:15:

"Though he slay me, yet I will hope in Him."

As a believer, death is not the end, but rather the beginning. God is using your life and eventually your death, be it soon or much later, to bring glory to him name and that is worth hoping for.

I believe in heaven I will get see the network of touched lives that stemmed from David Gilbert's death and it will be far greater than would have been possible had he lived to be 100.

As Paul says in Phil 1:21, "To live is Christ, to die is gain." With this in mind, whatever happens today or tomorrow we can have incredible hope in our God and the great things he is doing and will do that we can't even see. Enjoy life with Christ as long as you are alive on this earth and look forward to the incredible gain of going to live with Him one day.

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