Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Live in STYLE!

On Mondays in my Chemistry class, I always give a verse of the week. Recently, after encouraging my students to live life with their eyes fixed on the Lord, one young lady asked this very thought provoking question. "How do you know if you're living that way Mr. Benac?" Many possible answers popped into my head, things like read the bible, or spend time with God, but none that I felt encompassed what it really meant to walk with God. I admitted my inability to answer and asked if I could dedicate the next week's thought of the day to her topic, she gracefully agreed.

During that week, my mind reeled with possibilities as I tried hard to identify the behaviors that a person walking with the Lord must have. To answer her question, I decided to don a pair of old plaid pants (similar to those in the picture above), and talk about living in STYLE. Here's the gist of what I said:

S-Studying the word. Jesus said in Mt 4:4 that "man does not eat on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God." In the Bible we have the very word of God, protected and passed down through the ages. The growing believer knows that the word of God is the bread of life and it essential to spiritual survival in the same way that food is required for physical survival.

1 Peter 2:2 says that we need to crave spiritual food like a baby craves for milk and some of us need to posses a stronger desire for His word. Others of us need to graduate from the sippy cup to big boy food as mentioned in Hebrews 5:11-14. The Lord does not desire that you remain a spiritual infant for your lifetime, but wants you to grow into a bright light and messenger for Him.

I rarely, if ever, miss a meal during the day, but I have often gone days or weeks without sitting down to get any sustenance from God's word. No wonder our spiritual condition can feel dead or dry sometimes.
What kind of spiritual food have you been eating lately?

T-Telling your story. In Acts 26:15-18, the Lord tells Paul to "be a witness to the things I have and will show you." Paul tells the story of his conversion and the Lord's work in his life several times throughout the book of Acts and we should be no different. The Lord has given each of us a unique, wonderful story, one where new chapters are written everyday, and he wants us to share that story other people. We, like Paul, need to be a minister and witness to the Lord's work. Are you being a good steward of the story you've been given to tell?

Y-Yoked with believers. There is something to be said for finding strength in numbers and this is certainly true for the fellowship that exists among believers. Verses like Prov 27:17, "as iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another," and Ecc 4:12, "a cord of three strands is not easily broken," remind us of the benefits that can be found in the company of others. A yoke is a heavy block of wood used by farmers to secure their oxen to the plow. It was heavy and cumbersome, a horrible task for an ox alone, and for this reason two were usually used. Life can be cumbersome as well and it sure helps to have friends beside to you help you along the way. I think this is while Paul wrote the following words in Galatians 6:2, "carry each others burdens, and in this way fulfill the law of Christ.

Not only does being yoked to believers provide support and company, but also an opportunity to be sharpened by the faith of others. Just as tough competition in sports results in an elevation of performance, a great deal can be learned when you surround yourself with more mature believers. Find believers that you admire for their walk and learn all that you can.

L-Listening to God. There is a big difference between listening and hearing. You and I can hear lots of noises and many voices but we can only listen to one. Mt 6:24 says "that a man cannot serve two masters." There is great truth is this statement, because, in order to listen one master's voice, a person must disregard the voice of the other. I think people today hear the voice of God more often than they think, the problem is that they are not listening. What is God calling you to lately?

E- Enjoying life. Being a believer in Christ is not about a checking off a to do list or doing everything right, it's about glorying the Lord while enjoying the freedom and abundant life that Jesus talks about in John 10:10. Jesus lived and died so that you and I could enjoy freedom from guilt and fear, find meaning in this life, and have a model to live by. King Solomon, the wisest man to ever live, gives us the following recipe for enjoying life:

"When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad consider: God has made one as well as the other." (Ecc 7:14)

"I commend the enjoyment of life, because nothing is better for a man under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad." (Ecc 8:15)

"Go eat your food with gladness and drink your wine with a joyful heart...Enjoy life with your wife whom you love...Whatever you hand finds to do, do it with all your might." (Ecc 9:7, 9, 10)

Don't get so caught up in all that you need to learn and do as a Christian that you forget to enjoy the journey of each day.

Well, the kids at school made fun of my pants but I hope they will remember what it means to live in style.

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